
The Oakland A’s and baseball’s estranged relationship with capitalism

Dying at the hands of corporate greed, Oakland has finally lost the three teams that defined a half-century of dominance in both sport...

The road to liberation is through labor

Writer’s Note: For the purpose of this article, the term workers will be used to refer to the general public that performs labor...

Guarding our minds: The battle for cognitive liberty

In a world of mass surveillance that is increasingly becoming closer to the dystopian visions of George Orwell’s “1984,” the right to privacy...

Southern California Asians’ exclusionary attitudes 

There has been recent discourse amongst the Asian American community where SoCal Asians, Asian Americans raised in Southern California, are judgemental of Asian...

The dark side of techno-utopian dreams: Ethical and practical pitfalls

In a world that is becoming increasingly intertwined with technology, techno-utopianism has emerged as a dominant philosophy shaping humanity’s future. Visionaries like Elon...

Palestine solidarity and student performative action

The Israel-Palestine conflict has been widely covered, not only in the news but also on social media. As a result, many people have...

An Animal Bill of Rights is integral to animal liberation

Trigger warning: This article contains mentions of animal abuse. Assembly Bill (AB) 1881, also known as the Dog and Cat Bill of Rights, is...

The perfect pop princess doesn’t exist because we won’t let it happen

Various horror stories from Britney Spears’ music career still haunt the streets of Hollywood and conversations on social media. In 2020, the internet...

Don’t worry about getting older, it’ll happen anyway

Entering my 20s has engulfed me in anxiety. It feels like there’s an existential crisis happening every other day, but getting older shouldn’t...

Taylor Swift: Pop queen of consumer culture?

With her record-breaking tour, album releases, Super Bowl appearances and recognition as Time Magazine’s Person of the Year, Taylor Swift is more world-renowned...

“Queerbaiting” Harms the LGBTQ+ Community, but Not for the Reason You’d Think

Expression used as a means to cultivate a greater sense of self is integral to everyone in any stage of life, and should...

The “what about me?” effect and hyperindividualism

Trigger warning: This article contains mentions of suicide and self-harm. There has been a shift in the air that a lot of people have...




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