Donate to New University
Thank you for reading New University. Your support as a reader empowers our newsroom to produce journalism that matters.
The work we do would not be possible without the resources we receive from our donors. Since the start of 2020, our generous readers have enabled us to pursue quality articles and drive over 650,000 views to our website.
We hope you will consider making a donation today. By supporting our local journalism, you become part of a community of New University readers from UCI, the city of Irvine, Orange County and beyond.
To support the New University, please go to UCI’s egiving site to make your donation.
Checks payable to the UCI Foundation (include “New University” in the memo) may also be mailed to:
UCI Giving
100 Theory, Suite 250
Irvine, CA 92627
New University (New U) is the official student newspaper of UC Irvine. Since being founded in 1968, New University has sought to provide coverage of UCI and local news. It was originally named the Spectrum, later Spectre, The Tongue, and The Anthill. The paper formerly published its print issue once a week during the regular academic year. Since Fall 2018, the New University has transitioned to being a fully digital publication. In 2024, the New University website was revamped to bring its audience an improved reading experience. New University has had a mission of bringing the paper into the age of modern journalism and ensuring that it is keeping up with this evolving industry.
The newspaper is an official department of the university, housed under the university's Student Government & Student Media department. The paper formerly received funding through student fees, but now relies almost entirely on revenue from advertisements. Support from readers like you can help the New University continue to produce quality journalism while working towards achieving the goals it sets each year.
If your donation qualifies as a charitable contribution, a gift receipt for your financial records will be sent to you in the mail. Please consult your tax advisor for more information.