Plunging their audience into the brutally truthful world of working mothers in today’s culture, the Claire Trevor School of the Arts’ Drama Department...
Directed by Sara Rodriguez, “The Penelopiad'' takes the audience through the life of Odysseus’ wife Penelope as she examines themes of injustice, female identity and responsibility with regards to her own life.
The Costa Mesa Playhouse started the year off right with a production of Neil Simon’s “Lost in Yonkers.” The story takes place in Yonkers, New York in 1942, depicting the dilemmas of a dysfunctional family during World War II.
Taking their audience back to the bright and groovy days of the 1970s, the Claire Trevor School of the Arts’ Drama Department kicked off their 2019-2020 season on Sunday, Nov. 17 at the Irvine Barclay Theater with a lively production of “Company,” directed by Eli Simon.
Students and faculty members gathered and filled the Crystal Cove Auditorium to enjoy a night of paying homage to the timeless Asian American playwright on Nov. 14.
Broadway actress Mandy Gonzalez returned to Irvine on Oct. 27 to bring “Mandy Gonzalez: From Stephen Schwartz to Lin-Manuel Miranda” to the Barclay Theater with “Hamilton” co-star, Javier Muñoz.
Singer-songwriter Labrinth has created a soundtrack for the HBO series “Euphoria” that is just as haunting as the show’s on-screen images. The 26-song album derives from the show’s authentic depiction of teen drug abuse, anxiety and relationships.
All year long, the Claire Trevor School of the Arts Drama Department has produced outstanding performances in adherence with their theme, “Against All Odds.” The 2018-2019 season will come to an end with the production of “The Pajama Game,” a story about a pajama factory suffering under a strike from workers who are waiting on the salary they deserve.
To give William Shakespeare a belated birthday bash, UCI Drama and UCI Illuminations put together multiple, free showings of two shortened productions, “Comedy of Errors” and “Romeo and Juliet.”
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