

Editorial: Pick This Up And Read it!

As UCI enters into its 47th year of classes, we editors at the New University seek to reaffirm our publication’s purpose and role...

Editorial: Our Dream ASUCI Slate

This is just for laughs. The people represented here by no way reflect how the Editorial Board views the candidates running in the current campaign, or the positions they are running for. That aside, elections week is upon us! No doubt we have all seen the stenciled posters, the campaign t-shirts and the occasional free swag to get people to go out and vote. With so many choices, and with so many heated campaigns promising a dramatic and tense election season, we should step back, lighten up and think about which politicians could best fill them.

Editorial: UCI’s #FirstWorldProblems

Things seem to be sailing quite smoothly on our fair campus and sometimes the state of the world is a little too heavy for such an unseasonably warm January. So instead of editorializing something hard-hitting, we’ve chosen to throw our hats in to the whiny college student competition.

Editorial: President Trump’s America

Picture a place with no Chinese imports, Eastern-European prostitutes for the taking and fountains of oil in every major shopping center. We don’t know about you, but this sounds like America to us. A brand new, beautiful America. And who better to lead us on than a man who takes “amber waves of grain” to heart so much that he also takes it to his hairdresser?

Editorial: UTC Needs More UCI Love

Compiled by the New University Editorial Board.

Editorial: Leave the Irvine Eleven Alone

Compiled by the Editorial Board.

Editorial: Be Authentic For V-Day

Compiled by the New University Editorial Board.

Editorial: Saturated Satire for Our Fat World

Maybe this is overly optimistic, but in the midst of a war, an economic recession and the dollar's declining value, America still seems vital and the future auspicious. Despite price increases in everything from tuition to gas, Americans were once able to hold their heads high in at least one category, but not anymore. It was news from Australia that shattered the country's confidence...

Editorial: Don’t Be Apathetic. Read This.

New U ed board offers a plan for UCI (and you) to stop sucking at everything. It may or may not involve Amitabh Bacchan looking way cooler than you.

Editorial: Don’t be Apathetic. Read this.

Ask yourself: Have you ever complained about UC Irvine? Campus parking? The bike ban on Ring Mall? The lack of school spirit? Have...




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