

Sunday Comic: Move-In Day

Avery Huffer is a Graphic Design Manager for the 2024-2025 academic year. She can be reached at graphicdesign@newuniversity.org.

Sunday Comic: Waking Up

Wendy Wu is a Graphic Design Intern for the summer quarter 2024. She can be reached at wux44@uci.edu.

Sunday Comic: Anteater’s Summer Break

Wendy Wu is a Graphic Design Intern for the summer quarter 2024. She can be reached at wux44@uci.edu.

Sunday Comic: August

Avery Huffer is a Graphic Design Manager for the 2024-2025 academic year. She can be reached at graphicdesign@newuniversity.org.

‘Deadpool and Wolverine’ is everything right and wrong with Marvel

Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool and Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine made their joint Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) debut on July 26 in the aptly titled “Deadpool...

Sunday Comic: New Glasses

Elizabeth Lee is a Contributing Comic Illustrator for the fall quarter 2021. She can be reached at leeeb3@uci.edu.

Sunday Comic: Halloween 2021

Elizabeth Lee is a Contributing Comic Illustrator for the fall quarter 2021. She can be reached at leeeb3@uci.edu.

Sunday Comic: Midterms

Elizabeth Lee is a Contributing Comic Illustrator for the fall quarter 2021. She can be reached at leeeb3@uci.edu.

Sunday Comic: Bus Stop

Amir Sorra is a Contributing Comic Illustrator for the fall quarter 2021. He can be reached at asorra@uci.edu.

Sunday Comic: Paperclips

Elizabeth Lee is a Contributing Comic Illustrator for the fall quarter 2021. She can be reached at leeeb3@uci.edu.

Sunday Comic: Welcome Back Anteaters 2021

Amir Sorra is a Contributing Comic Illustrator for the fall quarter 2021. He can be reached at asorra@uci.edu.




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