

Fad Five: Mainstreaming of Homosexuality

That's right, kids, forget the up-and-coming metal/emo bands on KROQ and the newest Abercrombie & Fitch line taken straight out of 'The OC'

The Root of All Evil: Oil, Money, Religion or Us?

Oil: the root of all evil, or is it? It has caused the capitalist swine, known as America, to propagate war with Middle Eastern countries.

Letters to the Editor

Responses to Editorial

A Little Californian Rebellion: Davis Needs to be Ousted

'I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical,' thus Thomas Jeffe

Letters to the Editor

In the article 'Bake Sale Deemed Discriminatory,' Adeli Duron of M.E.Ch.A. purported to speak for the Latino community as a single entity when stating

Actions Toward Bake Sale Justifiable

On Sept. 25 the College Republicans hosted a satirical bake sale in order to promote the abolishment of Affirmative Action and to encourage students t

Dorm Security Cause for Alarm

Campus security is a very real concern for UCI

The Old Tale of Defenseless Man vs. Toilet

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling remarkably suave and sophisticated as I sit purposefully before my keyboard. So today's topic will be overflow

Tough Love Isn’t So Tough Afterall

As we embark upon the first week of classes, most of us will contemplate the appropriate balance between school and everything that is not school.

Forced to Choose Between Two Evils

By decisively ruling on Sept. 23 that 'interference with impending elections is extraordinary and interference with an election after [absentee] votin

Letters to the Editor

International Politics Oversimplified If only international politics were as simple as described in 'Violence and the Liberals Who Deal With Them.'

Great American Justice: Punish or Tolerate?

Do the ends really justify the means? In an ideal society they would. However, we do not live in a society that always rewards those who take that




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