The reality of YouTube serving as formal education for students is becoming more apparent as educational channels range from exploring complex mathematics to in-depth...
UCI professors and community organizers of the Inequities in Childhood Life-Course Lead Exposure and Academic and Neurobehavioral Outcomes (I-CLEAN) will conduct an environmental justice...
The Fair Housing Foundation (FHF), a Los Angeles and Orange County-based non-profit, held a free two-hour workshop on housing discrimination and rights at Irvine...
A Los Angeles superior court judge dismissed COVID-19-related criminal charges against management at Silverado Senior Living Management Inc., an Irvine-based assisted living company, regarding...
University students from six California universities organized and participated in a series of protests and vigils to mark the 34th anniversary of the 1989...
The Claire Trevor School of the Arts showcased its undergraduate artists at their Tenth Thursday Undergraduate Exhibit in the Department of Art Courtyard from...
Sister Cindy is never going to stop coming to campuses to spread Christian nationalism rhetoric. While she has every right to do so, it’s our responsibility to look away and not give a platform to bigotry.