

Commercialism Capitalizes on our Greed

Everything becomes old: a must-have shirt bought hours ago becomes an ordinary apparel inside the closet, the mini cell phone that you thought was the

The Ultimate Myth of Objective Journalism

The cornerstone of modern journalism is built on a lie, one of third-party disassociation defined in a stout set of principles regarding journalistic

Hopeful Resolution for a Brand New Year

The fireworks have faded and the champagne bottles have been emptied. Another year has gone but the resolutions have just begun. Some made personal re

Forgiveness, Yes. The Hall, No.

Peter Edward Rose was born 1941. He played baseball for the Cincinnati Reds, the Philadelphia Phillies and the Montreal Expos. He won the National L

Partisanship Gone Too Far to be Effective

So how many of you, in between getting your presents on for Christmas, and getting your booze on for New Year's, actually noticed the Republican compl

You Pick: IAC’s Tyranny or a War on Rats?

It's the start of a fresh quarter, and you know what that means: You have a clean academic slate, so it's time to set worthy goals, such as learning t

UCI Loses One of Its Own

Ian Hale McGrew (1982 - 2003) died on December 18, while riding in a car on his way to Northern California to be with his parents for Christmas.

No Sex in the Shared Room, Please

You are in bed in your dormitory room or apartment, snuggled in comfortably at a reasonable hour. It has been a long day of diligent studying, and you

Instant Messaging: New Waves of Communication

Smiles03:'Hey, watcha doin?' Star03: 'Sorry, I gtg somewhere now... bbl, ttyl:)' Smiles03: 'oh, ok.L8r!'

TA Strikes Come at a Bad Time

First it was Albertsons. In their sixth week of striking, grocery store employees are still fuming over the slash in health care benefits.

Letters to the Editor

Being an International Student

‘Twas the Dawn after Thanksgiving

'Twas dawn after Thanksgiving, when all through the mall, Store managers were yelling, 'Answer the call!' The shoppers were crowded with their nose




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