News in Brief

LGBTRC Hosts Forum on Being Muslim and Gay

The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center at UCI showed two short films followed by a panel discussion on Oct. 27.
The films and panel came together in an event called ‘Act of Faith.’ The films and panel dealt with the notion that one can be both Muslim and homosexual.
Salman Husainy, UCI alumnus and father of two, was one of the two panelists at the event and said he should not have to give up his Muslim identity just because he also happens to be gay.
Panelist Kirin Bhatty claimed that while many may not associate being Muslim with being gay, there is such a population that exists right here in the United States.
During the panel, both Bhatty and Husainy agreed that the Muslim community is gradually becoming more accepting of openly gay Muslims. Still, the panelists also agreed that there needs to be more support for the gay Muslim population.
The event began by showing the two films that merged identification as a Muslim and as a homosexual.
After the two films, the floor was opened for discussion and questions from audience members were welcomed by the two panelists.
This is the first of a series of film and panel discussions focusing on the interplay between culture and sexual orientation hosted by the LGBTRC.

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