‘The Mandalorian’ Season Three: A Showcase of Redemption and Unity

Editor’s Note: This article contains spoilers for Lucasfilm’s “The Mandalorian” season three.

The third season of the hit Disney+ series “The Mandalorian” wrapped up on April 19. This season of the critically acclaimed space western followed the titular Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) on his journey to Mandalore to seek redemption after violating the ancient Mandalorian Creed. Showcasing a story of redemption and newfound unity among the Mandalorian people, this season — despite its first half’s lackluster ending — is a must-watch for long-time Star Wars fans and newcomers alike. 

Unlike previous seasons, this one does not pick up immediately after its predecessor. Instead, the story follows Djarin after the events of spinoff series “The Book of Boba Fett,” where Pascal took center stage in the miniseries’ second half. After being reunited with Grogu and securing new transport in the form of an N-1 Starfighter, Djarin embarks on a journey that continues into the main series’ third season.

In classic Star Wars fashion, the season jumps straight into the action. Djarin saves his covert — who are in hiding after the events of the second season — from a Dinosaur turtle attack, which sounds a lot less terrifying than it actually is. The Armorer (Emily Swallow) confirms that Djarin could be redeemed if he bathed in the Living Waters of the mines on fusion-bomb-ravaged Mandalore, an adventure he is eager to embark on. With Grogu at his side, he travels to Nevarro, which looks a lot brighter and more hospitable than when we first saw it in the first season, to meet with Greef Karga (Carl Weathers), the planet’s new High Magistrate. The action kicks in yet again when the now peaceful Nevarro is threatened by a band of pirates, though Djarin easily defeats them with some quick gunslinging. 

Photo from Lucasfilm Ltd.

Djarin travels to Mandalore with only Grogu and an R5 unit after meeting with Bo-Katan Kryze (Katee Sackhoff), who reveals that she has abandoned her plans to retake Mandalore. However, in a turn of events, Bo-Katan saves Djarin numerous times on his journey, seeing a live Mythosaur in the process that The Armorer claims is a “sign that a new age is upon us.”

The series then devolves into a two-episode long streak of nonsensical storylines, which fail to make even a slight connection to the series itself. “Chapter 19: The Convert” briefly follows Djarin and Bo-Katan’s retreat from the Mandalore system, and Bo-Katan’s later induction into Djarin’s covert after it was discovered that she too bathed in the Living Waters and had not removed her helmet since. A majority of the episode follows what became of former Imperials Dr. Penn Pershing (Omid Abtahi) — the doctor who attempted to clone Grogu — and Elia Kane (Katy M. O’Brian) as they participate in an amnesty program on Coruscant. 

The story featured in the episode fails to connect to the series’ prior episodes at all or any of the following episodes — “Chapter 20: The Foundling” is much the same. While it follows our beloved main characters, the story again seems detached from the series itself, with the only highlight being another flashback to Grogu’s memories of Order 66. This flashback features Grogu’s rescue from the Jedi temple by Jedi Master Kelleran Beq (Ahmed Best). The role of Beq was a comeback for Best, who previously portrayed Jar Jar Binks in the Star Wars prequel trilogy — a role which garnered heavy criticism due to the character’s seemingly racist caricature.

Photo from Lucasfilm Ltd.

What the series lacks in the first half, however, it makes up for in the second. The last four episodes of the season are perhaps the best of the series. 

As reassurance that the season had recovered from its previously non-connecting storylines, “Chapter 21: The Pirate” ties in events that happened earlier in the series. For example, Bo-Katan’s sighting of the Mythosaur episodes earlier is cited as a reason why she should be the one to unite all Mandalorian tribes. While this is happening, viewers get their first look at what happened to Moff Gideon (Giancarlo Esposito) since the end of the season two, when it is discovered that the prison transport carrying him to trial was attacked and his body is now missing.

This season showcased a lot more of the bright and colorful nature of the Star Wars universe, especially in the New Republic era. Our heroes travel to Plazir-15, an Outer Rim planet with a vibrant and futuristic biodome city, and assist the Duchess (Lizzo) and Captain Bombardier (Jack Black) with a rogue droid problem before reclaiming Bo-Katan’s former fleet. The cameo by Lizzo and Black was quite unexpected, but didn’t disappoint — and Grogu agrees.

Photo from Lucasfilm Ltd.

The final episode features the large battle between the Mandalorians and Gideon’s forces, making great use of the series’ theme and amazing fight sequences that are essential for Star Wars content. This season’s score was composed by Joseph Shirley, who replaced original composer Ludwig Gӧransson. The score for the final battle, dubbed “Let’s Take Back Our Planet,” represents a great mixture of Shirley’s own style and Gӧransson’s iconic theme. While watching Bo-Katan and The Armorer kick-ass with the Darksaber and a hammer would have been great regardless, the score definitely adds to the cinematic prowess. Whether it be the main theme or pieces with horns reminiscent of John Williams’ “Anakin vs. Obi-Wan,” music without a doubt contributed heavily to amazing scenes throughout the season.

The season was received negatively by some fans, who claimed that the series had “lost its way,” and complained about the increased screen time of Sackhoff’s Bo-Katan. Though the show is called “The Mandalorian” and one would expect a large amount of screentime to follow Djarin, the show has already had enough of the classic adventures with him and Grogu. The scope of the show has grown to showcase the broader extent to which the events of the show and the history of the Mandalorian people connects to Star Wars lore — and there’s nothing wrong with that. 

While the third season is clearly lacking in some episodes, it ends strong by showcasing an inspiring story of unity among people with a shared heritage, and their journey to reclaim the home which was forcefully and brutally taken away from them. One can only guess what is next in store for the Mandalorians, with an already confirmed fourth season in production, but it will surely feature the same action and inspiring storylines that “The Mandalorian” has constantly showcased. 

All episodes of Lucasfilm’s “The Mandalorian” season three are streaming on Disney+.

Mohammad “Moh” Samhouri is a 2022-23 Copy Editor. He can be reached at samhourm@uci.edu.

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