Alexander Gura

Censorship Woes

The Combating Online Infringements and Counterfeits Act bill, or COICA, should be loathed by anyone who uses the Internet. Here at UC Irvine, that...

Bush’s Biggest Failure

Former President George W. Bush, along with his avid supporters, has always maintained that history will remember him in a positive light for his...

Change? Not Anytime Soon

It is becoming commonplace for individuals campaigning for political office to tout “change” as the name of their game. It is nearly unheard of...

The Ramifications of the GAP Logo Change

On Oct. 8, 2010, Gap changed its classic logo, a blue box with, “GAP,” written in white inside. The original logo, used for over...

Will Voters “Legalize It?”

On Nov. 2, 2010, California will vote on Proposition 19, otherwise known as the Regulate, Control, and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010. Opinion polls...

Tax Cuts On the Table for Renewal: What Will Democrats Do?

Debate continues on whether to extend the Bush tax cuts that are set to expire on December 31st, 2010. With the economy in a...

Why Estrogen Won’t Save Wall Street

As the (not-so) Great Recession drags on, many Americans are trying to find comfort by finding a scapegoat. This behavior, sadly, is reflected throughout...

Fair Weather Merriweather

LOVE & WAR: Daniel Merriweather is an established Australian pop singer who promises to charm.

Google Sticks it to the Red Commie Man

Over the last few years, Google in China has been criticized for complying with restrictions put in place by the Chinese government. The company...

Money Making In the New Decade

JOBS: As the recession and fees hit students, many wonder which jobs will ensure monetary security in the future.

Where in the World is Colton Harris-Moore?

On the islands north of Seattle, WA, teenage Colton Harris-Moore is becoming much more than the stuff of local legends. In the months since...

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