Trump supporters gather at the corner of Via Lido and Newport Blvd. in Newport Beach, Calif. on Oct. 18, awaiting the arrival of Trump.
A teenage boy parades the streets with an Armenian flag in one hand and his cell phone in the other. This photo was taken when the crowd decided to flood the streets against police instruction to stay on the sidewalk, after President Donald Trump passed by Via Lido. A maskless couple at the rally walk the street of Via Lido after the visit of Trump, each wearing a colorful, American flag inspired costume. With closer inspection, the person on the right’s pin reads “Latinos for Trump.”A man is captured riding a bicycle and decked out in his Trump gear, following the arrival of Trump that afternoon. A “No Means No, Creepy Joe” sign is held up by a Trump supporter on the corner of Via Lido and Newport Blvd. A Trump supporter holds up a handmade sign reading “Red Tsunami,” which is their way of referring to the Republican Party and their followers. A couple stands on the edge of the sidewalk on Via Lido, waiting for the arrival of Trump that afternoon. They are among the crowd, maskless, and glare back at the camera while sporting signature “MAGA” red hats and holding two flags: an American flag and a Donald Trump 2020 campaign flag. A Trump supporter sits on the shoulders of someone in the crowd to see past the mob of people lining the sidewalks of Via Lido prior to the arrival of Trump.A maskless Trump supporter walks the street of Via Lido after the arrival of Trump to the peninsula. He holds up a homemade sign saying “Mexican 4 Trump.”A Trump supporter wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat stands out among the crowd, documenting the visit of Trump to Newport Beach, California with his smartphone. A large group of Trump supporters cross the street on the corner of Via Lido and Newport Blvd. shortly after the visit by Trump. A few Joe Biden supporters cross at the same time while carrying their election signs.A man wearing a “Make America Godly Again” hat stands with a guitar in his arms and poses for a quick photo in front of the Regency Lido Theatre while waiting for his two friends to tune their guitars. A young reporter stops a Trump supporter at the rally to ask them a few questions at the corner of Via Lido and Newport Blvd. A Trump supporter walking the street of Via Lido wears a red suit and top hat to accompany his mask, sign and cardboard cutout of Trump. A maskless and stoic Trump supporter gazes out at the street of Via Lido, awaiting the arrival of Trump.Two Armenian Trump supporters hold up signs before the arrival of Trump that plead him to make a public announcement about the Karabakh conflict, claiming that “Trump Your Silence Is Killing Us” and a call out to the world that says to “Recognize Artsakh.” A Fox News reporter scales the sidewalks of the rally asking Trump supporters questions about the arrival of Trump and the upcoming election.
Christina Reyes is the 2020-2021 Photo Editor. She can be reached at